The sock collections come in Primary Colors (shown), The Opposites, and Math Collection. Sold in packs of 3 very unique and different pairs, except for the math collection which is sold in a pack of 4 pairs.
3 Pairs Per Pack and in 3 Sizes
Kids Crew Cut Small, Medium, and Large Sizes
Sizes generally fit age group, but measuring is recommended because every child is unique!
Small - Ages 3-6
Medium - Ages 6-9
Large - Ages 9-12
The Opposites Collection
The Opposites PB&J Pack
PB&J, Circles & Squares, and Apples & Oranges
The Opposites Stop & Go Pack
Stop & Go, Dog & Cat, Angel & Devil
The Opposites Happy & Sad Pack
Happy & Sad, Good Luck & Bad Luck, Veggies & Candy
The Opposites Hot & Cold Pack
Hot & Cold, Moon & Sun, Happy & Sad
The Math Collection
Educational and Fun!
The math sock collection comes in a package of 4 pairs.