PERFECT UNICORN SOCKS: Stand out on the field or court with these fun rainbow unicorn socks! Great for softball, field hockey, soccer, volleyball, lacrosse, basketball, t-ball and more!!
ACCURATE SIZING: Sock Size: X-Small - Youth Shoe Size 8-12, Small - Youth Shoe Size 12-5, Medium - Womens Shoe Size 5-10 Mens Shoe Size 5-9, Large - Womens Shoe Size 10-13 Mens Shoe Size 9-12, X-Large Womens Shoe Size 13+ Mens Shoe Size 12+
PERFORMANCE FEATURES: Moisture Wicking, Arch and Ankle Compression to reduce fatigue, Blister Control, Lightweight, Double Welt Top, Heel/Toe Design, Advanced Yarns Help Control Odor
QUALITY CONSTRUCTION: These rainbow unicorn socks are made with love in the USA